Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Strange things about Certain Phenomena

22:30 hours, 36.01573,-84.932492
270 feet west of 3132 Peavine Firetower Rd
Outside Crossville, Tennessee

Floyd would later say that he should have gone fishing rather than trudge out into this clearing near the Cartoosa Woods. He would have liked to have said later that he had no idea what had driven him to take his truck out into this field but here he was sitting under a tree looking over the wreckage of his dilapidated 1986 Ford Ranger watching the steam spill out from under the bent hood.
Floyd looked up at the tree and wondered not for the first time in his life, why he had thrown it all away on the likes of Betty Sue Granger. That woman was a no good hussy and sleep-around- well dammit the words did fail him again. Yes he was good and pissed, the buzz from the beers were wearing pretty thin. He got out of his wrecked vehicle and thought idly if he had left his cell phone in the truck when the sudden urge to pass water drove all other concerns from his mind. He stumbled out into the grass and relieved himself of that six pack.
Midstream his cell phone started ringing. He fumbled around, almost caught himself in his zipper and dropped the cell phone that felt like it had burnt up to a hot coal.
As he cussed, looking around in the long grasses the Cingular Harp ring tone went from urgent to shriek and then with a squawk sparked and died in a plume of smoke just as he located it. Floyd stared at the ruin of his cell phone and wondered if they were supposed to do that.He wasn't quite sure and stood there pondering it until he blinked as everything about 4 feet in every direction suddenly blossomed into light.
Fuck, I is being abducted by them aliens like in the movies. Too late he remembered his shotgun was locked in the truck not twenty feet behind him. Too late did he think that looking up into the light might not be a good idea.
He went almost two thirds blind as he looked directly into the hellstorm of what a professor and his team had just called "The Ripple Wave." The corneas of his eyes partially melted as he screamed into the wavelength that only partly struck him as the Signal found purchase on this rock the locals call Earth.
Floyd was lucky, since he immediately passed out. In some ways he was more fortunate not to have had much intelligence or use of his brain- he wouldn't be missing it much for the rest of his life.

The wave flashed into the grasses burning a polyhedron shadow into the dirt below the vegetation. Static electricity began to concentrate until there were barely visible lines forming the dodecahedron approximately 1-2 inches above the curve of the slope that formed the ground below it. The geometric energy field punched out into a sizable shape filling the space near Floyd's inert body covering a distance of 14 meters in diameter.
Inside the energy field formed 4 bright clusters of flashing lights - like a thousand lightning bugs swirling around the others until three of these clusters took on the form similar to the unconscious man below them. The fourth cluster pulsed until it became single sequence of light then faded out of the visual spectrum. The dodecahedron fizzled into wisps of smoke as the wave faded back into the ripple that had been detected earlier and everything about its connection with the Earth lost integrity and became little more than a much diluted radio signal.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ouch as only NASA can say it.

Williams felt a migraine coming on.

"What happened?" He heard himself ask.

"Professor, what NASA needs right now is your preliminary data and any trajectory information-"

He knew he should be elated, it was usually an act of Congress to get these guys to even talk to you.

"What happened?" He tried again.

"Look Professor, we really need to focus on everything that happened before the incident."

The Incident? That was rich, he wondered if that would be what they would call it later. Getting them to talk promised that they might listen but did not guarantee it.

"What happened!" he yelled suddenly.

There was silence on the line long enough, that Williams was sure that he had just blown it.

"Well, NASA has made no official declaration or report as yet."


"There was an incident."

That might be the sum total of what he would get.

"An incident?" he asked. "My sensors just went atomic."

Another uncomfortable silence followed.

"Well- we are not actually sure we know what exactly occurred up there."

"I am listening." Williams said. I am all ears you government freak.

He actually was sure he was hearing paper shuffling.

"The phenomena intersected communication satellite 314A Telecom 6 and it- well it exploded." He heard the man gulped "That was what Major Crispin reported from the International Space Station about 10 minutes ago."

"Exploded." Williams said.

"There detritus is spread out about 500 miles in most directions yes."


"Now could we get your data please?" the man asked almost pleading.

"Yes- I will have my lab assistant send it over via secure communication.

"Professor?" It was Mick.

"Yes Mick?"

"The ripple-wave just made planetfall."

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Whoopsy on a Astronomical Level

"Uhm- Professor?"
Williams was enjoying the moment- no he was savoring it. Wait was that someone talking to him? He looked down at Mick. Mick was pointing a the screen where a window had flashed into view. He had seen the window only once before when Mick had been showing it off to that little red-headed intern- what's her name- wait why it is the window flashing?
"It's flashing because the trajectory of the ripple is collide with a orbital object."
"What? what do you mean collide?" Williams leaned in to peer at the numbers in the box. Trajectory Widget- that's what his resident Mac Geek had called it. It was some kind of mini-program that was somehow attached to one of the Radio Telescopes in New Mexico that was slaved over to tracking all incoming object.
"That's no ripple."  Fred said. "The intensity of the signal just hit solid radio wave frequency!"
The three of them watched the numbers, their minds collectively translating the geometries into their own images of what must be happening up there in space. The ripple breaking through the sub-space field and slicing through the fabric of space and...

Williams gave himself a shake. There would be no visuals- this wasn't Star Trek, these signals had no visual evidence for the naked eye to track. Signals bounced all over the void and were never seen. The guys in the Space Station would not be looking out view ports- they would be staring at their instruments, talking to NASA and praying the collision was with a satellite other than anything they would need to repair or replace.

"Whoa." Fred and Mick said together. The Trajectory Widget beeped out a message- "Collision Imminent" and the numbers went crazy and then the noise filled all of the sensors and the Mac computer froze up as data overloaded the processors.
"Dammit." Mick said and reached around the back of the Mac to pull out the power cable on the tower and then reconnect it. Fred pushed the power button.
"Reboot." Mick said as a way of apology to Williams.

The two assistants spent the next five minutes in nervous silence as Williams paced around wondering what had just happened. Finally, the Mac was back up and reconnected to the Telescopes and the Sensors. Something had happened, there was a lot of noise now in the lower atmosphere where the Ripple had been. Where was it now?

The phone rang. Williams bit his thumb.

Fred answered it.

"Hello? This is Fred Smithson. What security clearance? Oh wait, I will get him."
Fred looked at Williams who dropped his thumb and walked over to the phone. Fred handed it to him and mouthed something like "it's the Feds."

Williams put the phone to his ear.
"This is Williams."

"Hey Bill, this is Gary Newman- do you remember me?" a familiar voice said.

"Yes  I remember you." Williams answered coldly.

"Well, Let me start by apologizing on behalf of NASA..."

Friday, May 25, 2012

What do you mean Earth?

Williams took off his glasses and pinched the spot between them.
The  ripple was increasing in frequency as it had made it's  way from out beyond the solar system down here to the Earth apparently. Something had emitted it over 6 days ago or at  least that is when their radio telescope had discovered the signal. Who knows how long it had  been coming  to them- could be  thousands of years in the coming from wherever the signal/ripple had originated. The whole thing hurt his brain.
They had, of  course, pointed this fluctuation out  to the University and NASA but most everyone had  scoffed at the very  idea  that a signal radio or otherwise could be coming to Earth. What were  the odds anyway  they  had said.
"A Quadrillion  to 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001," Williams had replied.

The  University Head,, a Professor  Maximilian Glick had been silent for a long time. Williams eventually realized the scratching  noises in the  background must be Glick doing the math. Williams had waited in dread- since he had  just spoke out of hand not meaning to be serious or exact.
Glick had come back with a number combination that far exceeded what Williams had said and then criticized Williams  for not being exact when quoting the odds. Williams had apologized and hung  up.
The Guys at NASA  had said it was probably a bad report from the  Hubble and not to  worry they had people checking on it at that moment. Williams thought he had heard laughter in the background.
"Prof?" Mick said, his voice rising in pitch
"What now?" Williams said wishing the ripple would  go away.
"The ripple has increased in frequency like a million times ten!"
Williams opened his eyes and stared at the numbers. Sure enough what  had been decimals in the .0000001 range  where increasing at  a .00001  per second as the ripples strength  increased.

The ripple had ceased. Now  is was a full  on wave.

Let's see the boys down at NASA explain this one.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

An Arrival of Sorts

"There is is again, Professor."

"What do you mean "there" Fred?" Professor Williams said as he looked up from the console where he was searching through the dark matter between Jupiter and Saturn for what his team had taken to calling a ripple.

"It's the ripple again Doc." This voice belongs to Mick the Research Assistant that has been posted here with Williams for the longest time. "I am sure of it."

Williams got up and crossed the small office to look over the 2 young men's shoulders as they crowd the Mac monitor staring at what is to the untrained eye, an program with radio charts and lots of numbers. No spectacular shot of the deepness of space nor the dynamic juxtaposition of planets conveniently overlapping for easy reference. No just the broad expanses of filtered void in which to track what only appears as a slight fluctuation of numbers on their screens.
Still it beats being out there are seeing what?
Nothing big no vast stretches of nothing - all that space between planets and other denizens of the known universe. Sci-Fi had ruined most people on the realities of the immensity of space needing to confine space down to a manageable and imaginable expanse for space ships and combat when in truth no one would see anything unless they knew exactly where to look. Such is space, off .00000000000000001 degrees and you could miss just about everything. In many ways this was an alien concept to most humans.
The Irony of it all, Williams thought as he peered down at the numbers.

":Do we have a trajectory of this ripple." Williams asked.

Mick leaned back obviously satisfied with himself and pointed at the mathematical algorithms and equations.

"As far as the other sightings are concerned it seems to be tracing a line from somewhere out Alpha Centauri way down to us."



Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Welcome to the Slipgate!

You are entering the Slipgate Exile.

This blog was created by Me (yep I Know Mr. Excitement) So I could further Explore a storyline that I originnally started writing as a screenplay with hope of having a truly or at least mostly alien being end up on earth - an exile from another galaxy where an eternal war rages. Imagine my surprise when I found a TV series that had almost an identical plot!
Never being too deterred I have become determined to write this one through and see where it takes me. I will be importing and rewriting what I have already posted but first a beginning.